Global Cooling: Is an Ice Age Coming?
The climate is changing, but it's not changing the way the climate change crowd predicted it would. Nature has made a mockery of global warming, so who are the real climate deniers?
Global Warming Scammer Al Gore predicts no Arctic ice In 2013 - Summer ice sheet highest since 2006
Ice Cap Defies Global Warming Predictions
Arctic ice increased 60 percent in 2013
The BBC said that by the year 2013 all the Arctic ice would be melted, instead it has added about a million of miles of ice in just over a year.
Russian Scientists: Global Cooling on Horizon
Exposing Internet Climate Change Propaganda Articles
Tony Elliott 2/02/2014
If you check the news on a daily basis from internet sources like MSN and Yahoo, you will notice at least one story and sometimes more on the subject of global warming/climate change.
Aside from the fact that all the claims ever made from UN climate based organizations is proven false when actual weather, climate, and geophysical records are compared to them, and the individuals issuing them being unqualified to do so.
We must also examine the people who write these articles for their motives in doing so. Most of the writers are grasping at straws to make their point and all of them will always welcome a good heat wave to try and convince as many as possible.
A fine example of public manipulation is the recent heat wave in Australia. Here it is billed as the hottest on record with some temperatures reaching 122 F.
What they neglected to mention was it is summer in Australia and that the country had many brush fires in several areas prior to the heat wave. Most areas reporting extreme high temperatures are normally very hot during the summer such as the Pilbara region which normally has summer temps rising into triple digits.
Other areas such as Tasmania have a cool temperate climate influenced by sea breezes. However, like coastal S. California, temperatures can rise into the triple digit range at times when the wind shifts. Thus, what we have here is simply a hot summer in Australia, nothing more or less.
Most writers associated with this story are environmentalists.
No one source really has specific "reliable" numbers and it varies anywhere from 23% to 40% depending on where you get your information. The reason more people are not falling for the global warming hoax is because many are taking the time to examine the overall picture.
In doing so, one realizes that not a single claim in favour of global warming/climate change proves to be true. What they amount to is computer models manipulated to show a desired scenario.
When compared to actual weather, climate, and geophysical records, climate change simply doesn't exist. In reality, actual scientific records show the earth has been in a cooling period for many years. What global warming/climate change really amounts to is financial gain, power, and politics for those involved in the scheme.
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