Andrew Bolt
Open and shut case. Michael Mann is a liar:
Mann, the climate alarmist who gave the world his dodgy ”hockey stick”, is now suing sceptic Mark Steyn for mocking him and his lawyers have produced deceptive legal documents in his defence.
A follow up on ‘I’m Michael E. Mann, Distinguished Professor of Meteorology at Penn State, Ask Me Almost Anything!’
February 25, 2014 by Anthony Watts
Michael Mann’s legal case caught in a quote fabrication fib
February 22, 2014 by Anthony Watts
GISS Surface Temperature Analysis
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA
Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Peer review: a flawed process at the heart of science and journals
Richard Smith
Finally A Real Scientific Consensus – Everyone Agrees That The Recent Displaced Polar Vortex Wasn’t Caused By Global Warming
Michael Mann Faces Bankruptcy As His Courtroom Climate Capers Collapse
by John O'Sullivan
Massive counterclaims, in excess of $10 million, have just been filed against climate scientist Michael Mann after lawyers affirmed that the former golden boy of global warming alarmism had sensationally failed in his exasperating three-year bid to sue skeptic Canadian climatologist, Tim Ball. Door now wide open for criminal investigation into Climategate conspiracy.
Australian University 'Deifies' Climate Scientist
An Australian university has put up a giant mural on one of its walls, depicting one of its climate scientists. Curtin University, based in Perth, has erected a mural depicting Professor Richard Warrick studying crops, with a large plaque underneath declaring: "Inside our walls Professor Richard Warrick is continuing the climate change research that led to a Nobel Peace Prize."
Is the airborne fraction of anthropogenic carbon dioxide increasing?