Global Warming Gets Colder
July 14, 2014
We live in a world where giant steel buildings can collapse at the speed of gravity, even when they are not hit by anything, like World Trade Center building number seven, and where global warming means cooling. It gets colder and they say it is getting warmer. We just had the coldest June in Antarctica ever recorded and its cold right now in the upper Midwest and last winter was a cold wet bitch for many in the United States. Not many are buying Al Gore’s routine.
Apollo Astronaut: Climate Alarmism Is the ‘Biggest Fraud in the Field of Science’
July 2, 2014
97% Climate Consensus ‘Most Nonsensical, Stupid Number in the World’
Government Data Show U.S. in Decade-Long Cooling
Climate change: less of a scientific agenda and more of a political agenda
And the political agenda is to end economic growth in the United States
Hacked E-Mails Fuel Global Warming Debate