Monday, December 30, 2013

Claim: November 2013 is the ‘warmest ever’ – but will the real November 2013 temperature please stand up?

Veteran Meteorologist Joe Bastardi On NASA November Temperature: “A Fraudulent Report… Tampering With Data”
By P Gosselin on 22. Dezember 2013

November 2013 Russian “Hotspot” – Alarmists Are Overlooking Something
Posted on December 20, 2013 by Bob Tisdale

Claim: November 2013 is the ‘warmest ever’ – but will the real November 2013 temperature please stand up?

What Does NASA Stand For Anyway?
NASA used to have something to do with space, but now they ignore their own satellite data because it gives the wrong answer for their agenda.

Antarctic Sea Ice Sets New Record For November
DECEMBER 5, 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

2012 全球變暖文章

全球變暖 月亮赤緯角 潮汐震蕩


全球變暖 海平面上升 島國危機

全球變化- 楊學祥工作室分享

2010 氣候變化引發嚴重天災 被揭全無根據 聯國爆「天災門」 全球暖化論失據

聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會( IPCC)的論證水平再掀風波。 IPCC在2007年評估報告中,指全球暖化令安第斯山脈、阿爾卑斯山脈和非洲高山的冰雪減少,被揭資料來源僅是雜誌文章和一篇學生論文,完全未經嚴謹科學核證。

氣候變化引發嚴重天災 被揭全無根據

聯國爆「天災門」 全球暖化論失據

全球暖化成因 氣體排放 vs 海洋周期


涉引錯數據獲巨款  IPCC主席拒下台


喜瑪拉雅山冰川融化 氣候專家亂噏

科學界再爆「氣候門」( Climategate)醜聞。繼英國有科學家被指操控數據誇大人為全球暖化後,聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會( IPCC)指喜瑪拉雅山冰川25年內全融化的說法,又被揭是信口開河。

CLIMATE CON?: History and Science of the Global Warming Scare

New Book Turns the Debate on Global Warming

The scientific debate surrounding climate change is far from settled. In "Climate Con?: History and Science of the Global Warming Scare" (published by AuthorHouse), Dr. William B. Innes addresses questions central to the debate, including who is behind the global warming scare and what are their motivations; what is responsible for past short and long-term climate swings; and how do current and projected carbon dioxide levels compare to earlier times in earth's history.

"Climate Con?" provides a thoughtful and thought-provoking review of the scientific and popular literature on one of the most pressing issues of the modern world. Recommended by the National Center for Public Policy Research , the book navigates through the jungle of talking points and shallow debates to present hard-hitting questions aimed to place the reader on the path towards truly understand what lies ahead.

"Everyone is interested in climate," shares Innes. "Most people now think that there are too many irrational regulations and would favor a modest warming. Although "Climate Con?" is primarily a science book, non-scientists should find it interesting and educational."

"Climate Con?"
By William B. Innes
Softcover | 8.25 x 11 in | 266 pages | ISBN 9781420860337
E-Book | 266 pages | ISBN 9781452057309

About the Author
William B. Innes, Ph.D., is a retired physical chemist. He spent the majority of his career working for American Cyanamid in Stamford, Conn., where he helped develop one of the first catalysts for use in automobile catalytic converters. After leaving American Cyanamid, he relocated to Southern California, where he developed instruments for analyzing auto exhaust for pollutants. 

In the context of this latter work, he became active in the public policy debate surrounding setting of automobile emission standards in California. This foray into the use and misuse of science by environmental groups and policy makers led Innes into his investigation of the global warming debate, where he delved into the process by which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessed the risks and causes of climate change. "Climate Con?" represents the outcome of these investigations and is Innes' first book on this topic.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science - NIPCC Report

Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science
September 17, 2013

Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science (CCR-II is an independent, comprehensive, and authoritative report on the current state of climate science. It is the fourth in a series of scholarly reports produced by the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), an international network of climate scientists sponsored by three nonprofit organizations: Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP), and The Heartland Institute.

Previous volumes in the Climate Change Reconsidered series were published in 2008, 2009, and 2011.
Whereas the reports of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warn of a dangerous human effect on climate, NIPCC concludes the human effect is likely to be small relative to natural variability, and whatever small warming is likely to occur will produce benefits as well as costs.

The 2011 Interim Report

The 2009 report of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), Climate Change Reconsidered, was released on Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Extreme Weather Not Linked To Global Warming Say Friends Of Science

Science doesn't support link between global warming, extreme weather: Report

Extreme Weather Not Linked To Global Warming Say Friends Of Science