Don’t trust them! 10 Mistakes in the Science News that you must realize.
作者: 黃俊儒
氣候變化再審視 - 非政府國際 氣候變化 研究組報告
第五章 「氣候門」—全球最大科學醜聞
呼喚理性: 全球變暖的冷思考
~ 奈傑爾·勞森(Nigel Lawson) (作者), 戴黍 (譯者), 李振亮 (譯者)
第六章 氣候大戰︰一個驚天大謊言
第七章 低碳美元大戰︰美國綁架全球經濟的碳計畫
第八章 新能源大戰︰中國的新能源經濟為誰綻放?
第十二章 基因改造大戰︰來勢洶洶的產業資本孟山都
第十三章 焦炭大戰︰中國從來就沒有焦炭定價權
以碳之名: 低碳騙局幕後的全球博弈
~ 柳下再會 (作者)
出版日期: 2010年4月1日
譯者:孫瑛 合著者:李煜萍
作者:[美]S.弗雷德‧辛格 丹尼斯‧T.艾沃利
譯者:林文鵬 王臣立
CH 1 新時代與新科學觀念的誕生
CH 2 費城實驗與蒙托克計畫相關人物
CH 3 費城實驗相關的科學技術
CH 4 費城實驗的真相
CH 5 費城實驗的後續研究──蒙托克計畫
CH 6 費城實驗原理利用的終極目標──氣象兵器與地震武器
結論 觀念的創生─觀念轉個彎,生命無限寬
Climate Change Books
地球温暖化でウソをつくメディアと政府のトリック、警察発表のトリックと、それをたれ流す新聞、テレビ [Kindle版]
武田邦彦 (著)
你的全球暖化知識正確嗎? (作者認同暖化是人為的)
作者:村沢 義久
手にとるように地球温暖化がわかる本 [単行本(ソフトカバー)]
村沢 義久 (著)
Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist’s Guide to Global Warming
作者:隆柏格 原文作者:Bjorn Lomborg 譯者:嚴麗娟
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
陰謀論 神秘學討論群組
Hidden Truths, Cover-Ups, & Conspiracies Facebook Closed Group 55
Closed Group 51
新神秘學研究社 Facebook Closed Group
http://goo.gl/f5oz3Y 43
神秘學, 陰謀論, NewAge, 超自然
神秘學: 承傳了遠古時代不主流或不公開的智慧同技術而衍生出來的一套研 究學問。
陰謀論: 影子政府機密資料、陰謀和行動的一種論說。
NewAge: 創造.革新.統一同心靈為基本的一種哲學。
超自然: 超自然係超出了科學解釋的現象。
Farumradio花冧電台神秘學討論群組 Open
http://goo.gl/5X9gFW 44
花冧電台討論群組,給予各位聽眾及主持自由討論各種節目相關資訊,分享神秘學、超自然科學、宗教、New Age、身心靈、宇宙、古文明、UFO、外星人、陰謀論、世界大事。
真假陰謀 Public Group
https://goo.gl/smjuFv 41
踢爆美國西方大陰謀 Devil USA Unfold 39
陰謀論&超自然 31
星空奇談 - ghost889.com Closed
http://goo.gl/JJ81KI 51
加拿大中文電臺 - 多倫多靈異節目
星空奇談 Mid-Night Mystery
陰謀背後@staradio.com.hk Open
http://goo.gl/t17jgm 12578 Page
陰謀背後~我們處身的世界,並非肉眼所見的公平;似乎有充足選擇,實際上已經精心策劃;充滿陰謀與計劃的世界,就等你去揭露。Online Forum http://goo.gl/l4mEK0
環保及全球氣候變化 - 香港討論區
UFO及超自然力量討論 - 香港討論區
陰謀背後星滙網節目論壇 Star Internet Radio
Closed Group 51
新神秘學研究社 Facebook Closed Group
http://goo.gl/f5oz3Y 43
神秘學, 陰謀論, NewAge, 超自然
神秘學: 承傳了遠古時代不主流或不公開的智慧同技術而衍生出來的一套研 究學問。
陰謀論: 影子政府機密資料、陰謀和行動的一種論說。
NewAge: 創造.革新.統一同心靈為基本的一種哲學。
超自然: 超自然係超出了科學解釋的現象。
Farumradio花冧電台神秘學討論群組 Open
http://goo.gl/5X9gFW 44
花冧電台討論群組,給予各位聽眾及主持自由討論各種節目相關資訊,分享神秘學、超自然科學、宗教、New Age、身心靈、宇宙、古文明、UFO、外星人、陰謀論、世界大事。
真假陰謀 Public Group
https://goo.gl/smjuFv 41
踢爆美國西方大陰謀 Devil USA Unfold 39
陰謀論&超自然 31
星空奇談 - ghost889.com Closed
http://goo.gl/JJ81KI 51
加拿大中文電臺 - 多倫多靈異節目
星空奇談 Mid-Night Mystery
陰謀背後@staradio.com.hk Open
http://goo.gl/t17jgm 12578 Page
陰謀背後~我們處身的世界,並非肉眼所見的公平;似乎有充足選擇,實際上已經精心策劃;充滿陰謀與計劃的世界,就等你去揭露。Online Forum http://goo.gl/l4mEK0
環保及全球氣候變化 - 香港討論區
UFO及超自然力量討論 - 香港討論區
陰謀背後星滙網節目論壇 Star Internet Radio
Monday, March 14, 2016
Climate Change Facebook Discussion Groups
Climate Change Discussion Resource Open
http://goo.gl/jUsKWB 15138
For storing documentation against the claim of CAGW.
Climate Change Discussion Open
http://goo.gl/sQFSR8 14857
Promote Climate Truth!
No taxes, trades or treaties! No treachery! Open
http://goo.gl/UIY0nr 2354
We do not believe that mankind can effect the earth's climate through C02 emissions.
Watts Up With That? WUWT Closed
http://goo.gl/Eu1E3U 2051
Climate Change - an open discussion Group Open
http://goo.gl/hqaDWB 1455 ( View? )
There is no greenhouse effect. Closed
This is an open discussion group that was created on June 27th 2012 to air the failings of the greenhouse effect "theory" as presently taught. 1314
Man Made Global Warming or Looney Left Open
http://goo.gl/RHHOcZ 97
Global warming Politics & Lies Public Group
http://goo.gl/fzj2Vf 441
The Daily Global Warming Hoax Report Open
http://goo.gl/gTdVSb 418
Climate Change Is A Hoax! Open
http://goo.gl/Zmr1AT 323
Australian Climate Sceptics Group Open
http://goo.gl/bNtRTj 316
Skeptical Science Lies Open Group
http://goo.gl/RIi8Jb 309
Al Gore VS Brian Sussman Climate Change Debate Open
http://goo.gl/eRuyOp 244
The Climate Counsel Open Group
http://goo.gl/Wo5fb7 214
We provide Australians with a reliable source of information about the science of climate change. We counter the disinformation of the Climate Council. The hypothesis that human-caused carbon dioxide emissions are causing dangerous global warming has been falsified.
Skeptics Resource Page Closed Group
http://goo.gl/yGrTgm 224
Skeptics Database Index Page Open Group
http://goo.gl/w1wFNr 201
Scientists Skeptical of AGW Open Group
http://goo.gl/whc0f4 206
The Big Lie of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Open Group
http://goo.gl/KVA2L1 169
Global Warming is a HOAX ? Open Group
http://goo.gl/BVwhQc 166
Carbon Dioxide as a Resource Open Group
http://goo.gl/qWxIpU 159
Why it's not carbon dioxide after all Open Group
http://goo.gl/vLUQqa 136
Skeptics Quick Index Page Closed Group
http://goo.gl/WGtkPm 107
Online Discussion on Climate Change Closed Group
http://goo.gl/eDSxrA 63
Global Warming Hoax Open
http://goo.gl/Yji8zf 34
Global Warming Skeptics Web Forum
http://goo.gl/hJoW4H 72
Climate Change A Global Hoax
http://goo.gl/jUsKWB 15138
For storing documentation against the claim of CAGW.
Climate Change Discussion Open
http://goo.gl/sQFSR8 14857
Promote Climate Truth!
No taxes, trades or treaties! No treachery! Open
http://goo.gl/UIY0nr 2354
We do not believe that mankind can effect the earth's climate through C02 emissions.
Watts Up With That? WUWT Closed
http://goo.gl/Eu1E3U 2051
Climate Change - an open discussion Group Open
http://goo.gl/hqaDWB 1455 ( View? )
There is no greenhouse effect. Closed
This is an open discussion group that was created on June 27th 2012 to air the failings of the greenhouse effect "theory" as presently taught. 1314
Man Made Global Warming or Looney Left Open
http://goo.gl/RHHOcZ 97
Global warming Politics & Lies Public Group
http://goo.gl/fzj2Vf 441
The Daily Global Warming Hoax Report Open
http://goo.gl/gTdVSb 418
Climate Change Is A Hoax! Open
http://goo.gl/Zmr1AT 323
Australian Climate Sceptics Group Open
http://goo.gl/bNtRTj 316
Skeptical Science Lies Open Group
http://goo.gl/RIi8Jb 309
Al Gore VS Brian Sussman Climate Change Debate Open
http://goo.gl/eRuyOp 244
The Climate Counsel Open Group
http://goo.gl/Wo5fb7 214
We provide Australians with a reliable source of information about the science of climate change. We counter the disinformation of the Climate Council. The hypothesis that human-caused carbon dioxide emissions are causing dangerous global warming has been falsified.
Skeptics Resource Page Closed Group
http://goo.gl/yGrTgm 224
Skeptics Database Index Page Open Group
http://goo.gl/w1wFNr 201
Scientists Skeptical of AGW Open Group
http://goo.gl/whc0f4 206
The Big Lie of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Open Group
http://goo.gl/KVA2L1 169
Global Warming is a HOAX ? Open Group
http://goo.gl/BVwhQc 166
Carbon Dioxide as a Resource Open Group
http://goo.gl/qWxIpU 159
Why it's not carbon dioxide after all Open Group
http://goo.gl/vLUQqa 136
Skeptics Quick Index Page Closed Group
http://goo.gl/WGtkPm 107
Online Discussion on Climate Change Closed Group
http://goo.gl/eDSxrA 63
Global Warming Hoax Open
http://goo.gl/Yji8zf 34
Global Warming Skeptics Web Forum
http://goo.gl/hJoW4H 72
Climate Change A Global Hoax
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Why Skeptics are Losing the Climate Change Battle
Why Skeptics are Losing the Climate Change Battle
By Anthony Bright-Paul 2/05/2016
American Thinker
I am a climate skeptic. Many skeptics know that and have even contributed to my book Climate for the Layman. But we are losing the argument and for one simple reason. We keep, - or at least some of us - keep up the illusion that there is such a thing as a Global Temperature.
There is no such entity and never has been. Furthermore there is no such thing as an average Global Temperature either. Peace be to Dr. Christy of the University of Alabama, for whom I have the greatest respect. He assures me that there is an average Global Temperature arrived at by inference from remote sensing from satellites. This is done by counting the number of joules, which as you all know I trust, are units of energy.
But may I humbly beg to differ. It is manifestly impossible to put in all the data in order to arrive at an average. It is clear that an average such as NASA provides based upon some 3,486 weather stations situated at 5ft above the ground is just nonsense. Why? Because in the whole of this sacred Planet of ours to determine the temperature based upon such a sparse amount is truly ridiculous.
Moreover of the 3,486 stations 3,269 are situated in the relatively warm areas of Europe, America, and Africa. How many stations are there in the vast continent of Antarctica? Merely 8. Read that again – merely 8.
This is not an average at all. In no way is it scientific. In no way does it make clear that had the temperature been taken at 10ft above the ground the readings would have been different. The fact is these are atmospheric temperatures that are measuring the tiniest possible part of the atmosphere.
The atmosphere that we live in has a thickness of some 66 miles or 100 kilometres not just 5 ft. So in no way is this a truly atmospheric temperature.
Within one column of air rising up 66 miles to outer space there is a huge range of temperatures. So it would make more sense to average a column. But who can average a column over the poles equally with a column over the tropics? And who can do it systematically on a grid system taking into account night and day?
The trouble is that nothing is static and yet both skeptics and warmists behave as if it were so. Any average that was taken right now would already be wrong the minute thereafter. We are hurtling through space, we are winding round the Milk Way, we are being bombarded by cosmic rays and by Solar winds and Solar storms, yet we have allowed the warmists to dominate the argument and propose that man is warming the globe by emitting too much carbon dioxide.
That argument alone is ridiculous and the skeptics know that. But they have built themselves a hole by going along with the warmist idea that there is a Global Temperature, which can be manipulated down by man, even to 2 degrees Celsius. Such an idea is also absurd, but dear skeptics, we have given it credence by acknowledging that there is some sort of mysterious Global Temperature or even an average Global Temperature. There are no such entities.
The whole of the warmist argument collapses once we declare roundly that there is no Global Temperature and neither is there such an entity as an average Global Temperature either. There is such a mass of data constantly on the move that it is impossible to infer an average. What is even more absurd is that the warmists claim that 2015 was the warmest ever and the skeptics reply that it was only the third warmest. Game, set and match to the warmists.
And as to remote sensing by satellites the data obtained may be of some scientific interest, but can counting units of energy likewise tell us the temperature of the planet? Well, the answer is no, for the very simple reason that there is not one temperature, but a huge mass of ever changing temperatures. Radiation may be energy but it is not heat, is it? Not till it encounters mass. Besides which what is being counted? We need to be yet more skeptical.
The vast majority of employed scientists apparently support the warmist view, namely that man is warming the Planet, that that warming is dangerous, and that the warming is causing climates to change. Yet it is no surprise that the vast majority of scientists who contest these claims are retired, no longer dependent upon funding from the state. The warmist arguments are riddled with holes and can easily be shot to pieces, but only if the skeptics are truly skeptical!
By Anthony Bright-Paul 2/05/2016
American Thinker
I am a climate skeptic. Many skeptics know that and have even contributed to my book Climate for the Layman. But we are losing the argument and for one simple reason. We keep, - or at least some of us - keep up the illusion that there is such a thing as a Global Temperature.
There is no such entity and never has been. Furthermore there is no such thing as an average Global Temperature either. Peace be to Dr. Christy of the University of Alabama, for whom I have the greatest respect. He assures me that there is an average Global Temperature arrived at by inference from remote sensing from satellites. This is done by counting the number of joules, which as you all know I trust, are units of energy.
But may I humbly beg to differ. It is manifestly impossible to put in all the data in order to arrive at an average. It is clear that an average such as NASA provides based upon some 3,486 weather stations situated at 5ft above the ground is just nonsense. Why? Because in the whole of this sacred Planet of ours to determine the temperature based upon such a sparse amount is truly ridiculous.
Moreover of the 3,486 stations 3,269 are situated in the relatively warm areas of Europe, America, and Africa. How many stations are there in the vast continent of Antarctica? Merely 8. Read that again – merely 8.
This is not an average at all. In no way is it scientific. In no way does it make clear that had the temperature been taken at 10ft above the ground the readings would have been different. The fact is these are atmospheric temperatures that are measuring the tiniest possible part of the atmosphere.
The atmosphere that we live in has a thickness of some 66 miles or 100 kilometres not just 5 ft. So in no way is this a truly atmospheric temperature.
Within one column of air rising up 66 miles to outer space there is a huge range of temperatures. So it would make more sense to average a column. But who can average a column over the poles equally with a column over the tropics? And who can do it systematically on a grid system taking into account night and day?
The trouble is that nothing is static and yet both skeptics and warmists behave as if it were so. Any average that was taken right now would already be wrong the minute thereafter. We are hurtling through space, we are winding round the Milk Way, we are being bombarded by cosmic rays and by Solar winds and Solar storms, yet we have allowed the warmists to dominate the argument and propose that man is warming the globe by emitting too much carbon dioxide.
That argument alone is ridiculous and the skeptics know that. But they have built themselves a hole by going along with the warmist idea that there is a Global Temperature, which can be manipulated down by man, even to 2 degrees Celsius. Such an idea is also absurd, but dear skeptics, we have given it credence by acknowledging that there is some sort of mysterious Global Temperature or even an average Global Temperature. There are no such entities.
The whole of the warmist argument collapses once we declare roundly that there is no Global Temperature and neither is there such an entity as an average Global Temperature either. There is such a mass of data constantly on the move that it is impossible to infer an average. What is even more absurd is that the warmists claim that 2015 was the warmest ever and the skeptics reply that it was only the third warmest. Game, set and match to the warmists.
And as to remote sensing by satellites the data obtained may be of some scientific interest, but can counting units of energy likewise tell us the temperature of the planet? Well, the answer is no, for the very simple reason that there is not one temperature, but a huge mass of ever changing temperatures. Radiation may be energy but it is not heat, is it? Not till it encounters mass. Besides which what is being counted? We need to be yet more skeptical.
The vast majority of employed scientists apparently support the warmist view, namely that man is warming the Planet, that that warming is dangerous, and that the warming is causing climates to change. Yet it is no surprise that the vast majority of scientists who contest these claims are retired, no longer dependent upon funding from the state. The warmist arguments are riddled with holes and can easily be shot to pieces, but only if the skeptics are truly skeptical!
Friday, January 1, 2016
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